Shirt Sponsors Pics

by Scott Thornberry - 3rd May 2011

shirt sponsors pics

A few of the photos taken at the player shirt sponsors presentations courtesy of Les and the club


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Hilly - 3rd May 2011 20:11:35

Which one of the Chandler Shirt sponsors is with him on that photo (other than Scott's kids of course)?

Hilly - 3rd May 2011 20:12:41

Hilly wrote:Which one of the Chandler Shirt sponsors is with him on that photo (other than Scott's kids of course)?
Scrap that. It's his away kit.

divas - 3rd May 2011 20:18:28

Congtrats to Scott who won Jamie Chandler's shirt with his prediction of 20 fouls for the season

uncovered - 3rd May 2011 20:27:03

i thank you all, although I did have to collect the shirt under a different name, I was incognito ya see.

And you lot should have trusted Jamie, he is not a dirty player!